Innovative rodent head-fixation made simple for you and minimally-intrusive for your mice
Head-fixation minus the headaches... Maximal stability with minimal intrusion upon the animal
The growing use of head-fixation in awake rodents has enabled a range of sophisticated electrophysiological and imaging-based investigation of neural circuits in vivo, that are intractable in freely-moving animals.
The (many) problem(s) with current head-fixation systems:
- Fiddly to fix the animal and not readily customisable for new targets
- Head-bars sit low on the skull and intrude upon the animal’s sensory fields
- Lack of off-the-shelf systems forcing reliance on ‘home-made’ solutions which vary in quality, reliability and most importantly stability
- Constrained access for multi-target or multi-modal approaches using imaging + electrophysiology
The RODent Immobilisation-system for Neuroscience (RODIN) head-fixation system for mice and rats solves these problems:
- Quick-Fix and Release implants; fix your animal in a few seconds with minimal stress
- Rear-oriented scaffold moves fixation away from the skull and keeps sensory fields unobstructed
- Skull-conformal implants that can be cutomised to a range of targets in a lightweight, highly stable form to suit electrophysiology and imaging